Scientists figure out why tardigrades are nearly indestructible
Watch a rocket-powered spaceplane fly for the first time
First Starship launch ends with a massive explosion
Scientists train ants to sniff out cancer in just 30 minutes
Study finds CPR patients may frequently have near-death experiences
Nurses are breaking the mold to set out on their own
China plans to build moon bases using robot masons and lunar dirt
DMT appears effective for depression up to six months later
Some cancers shouldn’t be treated
“Sunshine Calls” help depression and loneliness, study finds
“Nanosyringes” can inject medicine into a single cell
Jupiter’s moons hide giant subsurface oceans
Google’s AI music generator is like ChatGPT for audio
See inside NASA’s simulated Mars base for the first time
In the turbulent Drake Passage, scientists find a rare window where carbon sinks quickly into the deep ocean
Lab-grown meat is about to get fatty
Scientists want to dump iron nanoparticles into the oceans to save the planet
AI could rescue scientific papers from the curse of jargon
Why “passkeys” are about to make passwords obsolete
New method could triple the size of space telescope mirrors
How ChatGPT “jailbreakers” are turning off the AI’s safety switch
Shutting down nuclear power could increase air pollution
New smart glasses use sonar to read your lips
One shot could stop severe bleeding and save thousands of lives
AI chatbots don’t actually “know” anything. Can we fix that?
New battery tech boosts EV range by 20%
Macaque monkeys shrink their social networks as they age — just like elderly people
Xwing puts autonomous flight on the runway to approval
One way to speed up clinical trials: Skip right to the data with electronic medical records
You can now explore the highest-res map of Mars ever made
New drug delivery tech could ensure you never forget your meds
Tuberculosis kills over a million people a year. New breakthroughs may help humanity fight back.
We used to have steam-powered cars. What happened to them — and will they come back?
Nasal COVID-19 vaccine outperforms mRNA shots in new study
Space could be a trillion dollar industry by 2040
3D printing promises to transform architecture forever
Epilepsy surgery has a success rate of only 50%. This digital brain may change that.
Chinese space startup makes history with first rocket launch
Excel may make chatbots much more useful
People destroyed printing presses out of fear. What will we do to AI?
NASA’s Mars helicopter breaks two records in a single day
Viruses cause 200+ diseases. This one drug may be able to treat them all.
Why Earth is the only planet with plate tectonics
The secrets of cooperation
New mRNA therapy could bring an end to peanut allergies
Graphene sensor could let you control robots with your mind
ChatGPT can now help you plan a perfect vacation
Narcan is now available over-the-counter in the US
Standing on a vibrating platform could deliver some of the same benefits as exercise
Study: If there is a maximum human lifespan, we’ve yet to reach it
Sugar-powered implant produces insulin as needed
New lithium recycling method is cleaner and cheaper
Death: how long are we conscious for and does life really flash before our eyes?
Drone discovers weird underwater volcano off California
Researchers turned superglue into a recyclable, cheap, oil-free plastic alternative
How close are we to reversing paralysis?
This man is trying to live underwater for a record-breaking 100 days
Our new brains: neurotechnology advances that could change everything
Humanoid robot Digit finally gets a head and hands
Colorful film keeps houses and cars up to 20 F colder than the air
3D-printing the brain’s blood vessels with silicone could personalize neurosurgery
Saliva: The next frontier in cancer detection
A new AI lie detector reveals their “inner thoughts”
NASA funds first wearable to measure muscle atrophy
The strongest evidence for a Universe before the Big Bang
Meatball made from woolly mammoth unveiled in the Netherlands
Have scientists found a “brake pedal” for aging?
Harvard geneticists create an organism that is immune to all viruses
Spread of deadly cancer delayed by organ transplant drug
Detailed images from space offer clearer picture of drought effects on plants
ChatGPT: why it will probably remain just a tool that does inefficient work more efficiently
How low-cost surgical training programs could save lives in low-resource countries
In partnership with Intuitive
Dog “nose print” app is 99% accurate at ID’ing lost pets
United Airlines plans to bring flying cars to Chicago
Open-source map could empower pedestrians in car-filled cities
Some ChatGPT plugins are coming very soon
New CRISPR tool reversed blindness in mice — permanently
The tech of the year is entering the workforce
Technology over the long run: See how dramatically the world can change within a lifetime
Wristband device helps to control Tourette’s tics in clinical trial
Bird flu is everywhere. Are the vaccines ready?
Quantum entanglement just got a whole lot weirder
How Einstein tried to model the shape of the Universe
AI that turns docs into presentations is available right now — no waitlist
Mice grow mini deer antlers after stem cell transplant
World’s first 3D-printed rocket launches at Cape Canaveral
NASA unveils new spacesuits for upcoming moon mission
“Treasure map” guides scientists to massive meteorite
What that study linking sugar-free sweeteners and heart disease really tells us
Here’s how to get the best prompts for ChatGPT and image-generating AI
Venus may have currently active volcanoes
Science fiction books that predicted the future with terrifying accuracy
The case for viewing depression as a consciousness disorder
There is now a blood test for anxiety disorders
Watch: London’s “rolling bridge”
Large language models are biased. Can logic help save them?
NASA cuts odds of asteroid impact on Valentine’s Day 2046
New voice cloning AI lets “you” speak multiple languages
As bird flu spreads in the US and worldwide, what’s the risk that it could start a human pandemic?