How to fight Covid with light
What the new Earth-threatening asteroid means for humanity
Diplomacy game AI can negotiate, form alliances, and persuade people
Astronomers detect “mystery molecule” in exoplanet’s atmosphere
The (robotic) doctor will see you now
New ultra-thin solar cells could be the future of space power
Exercise boosts the brain — and mental health
Australia’s first rocket set to launch in 2023
A green trifecta: how a concrete alternative can cut emissions, resource use, and waste
New brain cancer vaccine completes clinical trial
Seabin: How these “floating garbage bins” can help clean up our waters
Construction juggernaut unveils huge electric mining truck
The science of habits
Playing sea soundscapes can summon thousands of baby oysters – and help regrow oyster reefs
Deadly disease treated in the womb for the first time
New chemo pump for brain tumors could avoid side effects
UK study suggests single dose of monkeypox vaccine is 78% effective
$3.5 million treatment for hemophilia wins FDA approval
How college in prison is leading professors to rethink how they teach
How you breathe affects your brain
AI is helping to ID victims in Holocaust photos
Discovery finds the Earth’s core is constantly changing the length our day
This meteorite material could power our clean energy future
Kid-friendly superblocks are a way for residents to reclaim their streets
Electrically stimulating the brain helps stop binge eating
When is the best time to exercise?
New CRISPR cancer treatment tested in humans for first time
Good and bad memories are stored in different neurons, study finds
New fentanyl vaccine could help avoid relapses and overdoses
NASA’s Orion spacecraft sends back first images
Injectable gel repairs severe spinal cord injuries and enables mice to walk
Lab-grown meat clears major FDA hurdle
UK test-fires its first high-energy laser weapon
What is the largest planet out of all the ones we know?
Study finds mindfulness as effective as medication for anxiety
“Robot rooms” could be the future of homes and offices 
Moderna to develop mRNA vaccines for Ebola
New “risky” playground could make kids anti-fragile
Our ancestors first developed humanlike brains 1.7 million years ago
Cheap blood pressure med could help treat alcoholism
New deep brain stimulator is powered automatically by breathing
Brain implant translates neural activity into letters, letting a paralyzed man “speak”
Old herpes drug helps kill deadly superbug
Spinal cord stimulation helps paralyzed patients walk again
Doctors may not be ready for blood tests that screen for multiple cancers at once
“SkinKit” lets ordinary people build their own “smart tattoos”
Yale’s new nasal vaccine can boost an mRNA shot
African researchers push for a human challenge trial to fight TB
Medical robot to treat injured soldiers on the battlefield 
Chernobyl fungus could shield astronauts from cosmic radiation 
Australian man uses brain implant to send texts from his iPad 
A new therapy sends lupus into remission
ISS experiment will 3D print a body part in microgravity 
Engineered bacteria may fight this brain-damaging genetic disorder
A malaria-fighting antibody has passed phase 2 trials
A new material called a mechanical neural network can learn and change its physical properties
UK trials world’s first lab-grown blood transfusions
Cruise robotaxi service is quickly expanding
“Laughing gas” may offer quick, long-lasting relief from depression
DNA-damaging molecules in the gut linked to colon cancer
Quantum computer designs heat-radiating window coating
Your house could become a rechargeable cement battery. Here’s how. 
New mRNA vaccine for flu and COVID-19 enters human trials 
New study will put the leading theory about Alzheimer’s to the test
Organ regeneration could overcome liver failure, without a transplant
“Freakonomics” study offers simple strategy for making tough decisions
AI could help cancer patients avoid a deadly recurrence
Chinese robot helps convert moon dust into fuel and oxygen 
New exercise study could find drugs that mimic working out 
This cheap material could capture CO2 from power plants before it pollutes the atmosphere
7 ways CRISPR is shaping the future of food 
Pfizer’s RSV vaccine for pregnant women protects newborns
These earbuds can tell if a newborn has hearing problems
Protecting the rainforest from space
In partnership with Skoll Foundation
These psychedelic “body snatchers” regenerate their bodies and absorb other organism’s attributes 
AI-discovered drug for ALS enters human trials in just four years
NASA “Flashlight” will hunt for hidden water on the moon
How Greek philosopher Democritus predicted the atom in 400 B.C.E.
NASA detects 50+ methane “super-emitters” from space 
Norway helped remake a US prison. Here’s what happened.
Understanding cancer’s “dark matter”
FDA approves first-of-its-kind blood cancer treatment 
What you eat can reprogram your genes
How digital intelligence is helping to train the next generation of surgeons
In partnership with Intuitive
Meteorite blasts “biggest new crater” NASA has ever seen into Mars 
Australian researchers have manufactured a living blood vessel 
To avoid the worst effects of aging, we might need to exercise harder than we thought
New VR body suit lets you see inside your body while you exercise 
Flu and RSV can fuse into a new kind of virus
Molten salt reactors could save nuclear power
Deepfake audio has a tell – researchers use fluid dynamics to spot artificial imposter voices
Russia tries to impose switch to Linux from Windows
New smart contact lens monitors for glaucoma 24/7
Wild mammals are making a comeback in Europe thanks to conservation efforts 
This amphibious electric tricycle (and camper) costs $14,600 
Shutterstock will sell AI images — and compensate artists 
It’s time to change how we think about electroshock therapy
The missing apex of Maslow’s hierarchy could save us all
Experimental “FLASH” cancer treatment aces first human trial
Withdrawal symptoms from antidepressants can last over a year