The Moon has enough oxygen to sustain 8 billion people for 100,000 years 
See the surface of the sun evolve in stunning time lapse
Delivery drones are now dropping off packages for Walmart
Metal-eating bacteria could clean up dirty mining sites
The “great resignation” is a trend that began before the pandemic – and it may be the new normal
Traditional colleges are recognizing Google career certificates
Agrivoltaics let farmland serve double duty
Here’s what the world will look like 4°C warmer 
Students get $5 million from Elon Musk for carbon-removal ideas 
Vaccine robot administers doses without needles or human help
Startup breaks through “accent barrier” with real-time translator
Russian satellite strike creates huge cloud of space debris
Apple finally agrees you have a right to repair its tech 
Electric cars could one day power your house – here’s how to make it happen
Second patient clears own body of HIV, hinting cure is possible
“Dancing” molecules repair spinal cord injuries in paralyzed mice
Immersive technology will revolutionize our daily life
Powered exoskeletons may be the ultimate fitness machines
Perseverance is collecting more rock samples from Mars
Wearable robot helps people with paralysis sing
Speech impairments aren’t a problem for Google’s new voice app
10 surprising new things we’ve learned about death
The shift to remote work is helping solve the housing shortage
Survival genes from the world’s harshest desert environment could save our crops
The future of space launches: a giant spinning arm in a vacuum 
Fashion, art, and games: here’s what a decentralized metaverse could mean
AI reveals that the Sahara actually has 1.8 billion trees and shrubs
Denim is a dirty business, but biotech bacteria are cleaning it up
Are mini reactors the future of clean energy?
Apes and NFTs run the first metaverse music group 
A decentralized web 3.0 could lead to more innovation and privacy controls 
Psilocybin treatment relieves depression in largest trial yet  
Moving endangered species could save them — or turn them into invasive species
It’s hard to give AI common sense, but we’re making progress
The world’s biggest industrial robot lasers off airplane paint
Deal brings COVID-19 vaccines into conflict zones
Nuclear fusion would change the world. Has its time arrived?
Zero-emission natural gas power plants are coming to US, UK
Free WiFi in apartment buildings helps close the digital divide
DeepMind’s AI lights path to faster drug development
Just $50 can turn your phone into a powerful chemical, pathogen detector
Can testicular tissue restore childhood cancer survivors’ fertility?
This machine can turn agricultural waste into fuel
Free database to 107 million research papers released online 
We need to rethink global food production to have a shot at our climate goals
Philly Truce app aims to be the Uber of violence prevention
You can repair this sustainable phone yourself 
Nike is betting you'll want to wear Air Jordans in the metaverse
Climate transparency is about to get real with this independent database
Pfizer’s antiviral pill cuts COVID-19 hospitalization, death by 89%
Scientists relieve depression with magnetic brain stimulation
Data centers need to be greener — Microsoft is leading the way
Climate tech is booming — and this is better news than COP26
Solar energy is about to get a whole lot cheaper
Superchargers are no longer just for Teslas
McDonald’s McPlant takes plant-based meat mainstream
Lasers reveal hundreds of Mayan and Olmec ceremonial centers
Tissue implant extends lives of children born with athymia
Package free store offers work for neurodiverse employees
Rhode Island will be the first state to open safe drug consumption sites
ICON to build world’s largest community of 3D-printed houses
A new clue in why oral vaccines don’t work as well in developing countries
Forget Mars, let's terraform the moon
Wireless power demonstration overcomes a major hurdle
Fungus-based “mycoprotein” may be the next future food
Autonomous race cars compete for $1 million prize
Billionaire plans to build a block-chain Facebook alternative 
New thruster tech that vaporizes metal could help clean up space
These hologram machines bring us a step closer to our sci-fi dreams
A brain implant lets a blind person see again — without using their eyes
Can digital twins solve our supply chain problems?
We now know the big bang theory is (probably) not how the universe began
Meta is here — and it’s a big deal
Nonprofit builds tiny houses for homeless people in backyards
Rwanda is blasting killer mosquitoes with drones
Crypto and traditional art are merging — and the result is fantastic
You can now buy a flying car for $92,000
Preventative breast cancer vaccine enters human trials
Merck is making its COVID-19 antiviral pill more affordable to low-income countries
Ex-SpaceX engineers bring Mars colony tech to Earth
You can now mix and match COVID-19 booster shots
Using AI to help save wine from wildfires
DIYers create halloween costume for 10-year-old in a wheelchair
The metaverse is coming. Cathy Hackl explains why we should care.
FDA panel recommends COVID-19 vaccine for 5 to 11 year olds (Updated)
Scientists got an animal to breathe without oxygen
The future of cryptocurrency: reasons to be both optimistic and skeptical
We could see planes fueled by captured CO2 in 2022
Lizard regenerates perfect tail thanks to stem cells
First-ever: drone delivers lungs for transplant
Artificial pancreas tested for the first time in type 2 diabetes patients
Cooling caps can help prevent chemo hair loss
“Pulverize It”: The plan to slice and dice space rocks
5 recent breakthroughs that completely changed electronics
Resume-bot goes viral. Lands multiple job offers
Airless tires get their public test drive
New startup takes vertical farming underground — literally
Faster internet may be the key to reducing unemployment
A robot boat tows kelp forests and sequesters carbon
Foldable electric cars join emergency response fleet in Israel