How NASA’s space food lab will feed the farthest journey in history
These food scientists are making it possible for us to explore space in ways we haven’t yet as a species.
“Cybersecurity for plants” can stop germs from hacking our food supply
Computer hackers exploit flaws in code to access systems and take what they want; plant diseases work the same way.
New tech makes fresh produce last twice as long
The plant-based preservative could radically change the game on food waste.
Did the food pyramid make us fat?
To address rising health problems in the 1980s, scientists and policymakers developed the US Food Pyramid to...
We’re all gonna starve!
A revolution in food production turned predictions of a population bomb into a worldwide boom.
What to expect in a post-meat future
From advanced plant-based meat alternatives to real meat grown in a lab, the days of eating meat from once-living...
Could ugly produce change the world?
Meet the startup that wants to sell you ugly fruits and veggies