
NASA shares colorful “postcard” of Mars’ surface
NASA has used photos taken by the Curiosity rover to create a gorgeous “postcard” of the Martian landscape.
Students build reusable rocket, win $5,000 from NASA
The University of Alabama in Huntsville has won Student Launch 2023, NASA’s annual rocket-building competition.
SpaceX successfully launches world’s first “space factory”
SpaceX has successfully deployed a “space factory” developed by startup Varda Space Industries to manufacture drugs in microgravity.
Why NASA just landed a spacecraft on the asteroid Bennu
Nokia is building a 4G network on the moon
Two dozen “superhabitable” exoplanets may be better than Earth
The latest step in manufacturing in space
Fresh ice spotted in unexpected part of Saturn's moon Enceladus
Signs of life found on Venus
Astronauts lose muscle in space. These mice could hold the solution
New route makes a journey to the moon faster, cheaper
Did life on Earth travel here from Mars?
The dwarf planet Ceres may hide a subterranean sea