Change is hard - people have been trying and failing to reform society for generations. But what if we had to? This is a show about rebuilding the world from scratch and reimagining everything from first principles. How should we design cities? What about schools? Power grids? Prisons? Money? Or the Internet? If we were starting over, what would we do differently? Because in the aftermath of 2020, we are. This is HARD RESET.
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Vertical farms could take over the world
Vertical farming saves water, land, and energy — and it could be how we grow food on Mars.
All Episodes (25)
These tiny electrospray thrusters cut spacecraft payload so that we can explore the asteroid belt, outer planets, and beyond.

We flew to the UK to learn more about the designer 3D-printing third thumbs.

80% of our ocean floors have never been studied. This robot sailboat is unlocking the most treacherous parts.

Could bringing back ancient pyramid-building techniques make carbon-negative housing a reality?

Picture an entire city charged by batteries. This new battery design may unlock a new era of energy.