A new material called a mechanical neural network can learn and change its physical properties
The new material’s architecture is based on that of an artificial neural network – layers of interconnected nodes that can learn to do tasks.
How digital intelligence is helping to train the next generation of surgeons
In partnership with Intuitive
To optimize training, many surgeons have turned to robots and artificial intelligence.
New VR body suit lets you see inside your body while you exercise 
A system for monitoring motion and muscle engagement could aid the elderly and athletes during physical rehabilitation.
Space junk created the world’s largest dump. Here’s how we can fix it.
From "laser brooms" to massive nets, space organizations have proposed many ways to clean up the mess of space debris.
How do DALL-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and other forms of generative AI work? 
DALL-E and other types of generative AI can produce images that look like photographs, paintings, or drawings that were created by humans.
The visionaries bringing you the future of surgery
In partnership with Intuitive
Here’s what it’s like to use a robotic surgical system.
“Art exoskeleton” lets you feel opera
This Philadelphia theater puts robotic suits on guests before they watch Opera.
Harnessing nature’s secret: How synthetic biology could save the planet
In partnership with Ginkgo Bioworks
Did nature hold the key to reversing climate change all along? Synthetic biologists think so.
What ever happened to the first cryogenically frozen humans? 
For decades, people have arranged to freeze their bodies after death, dreaming of resurrection by advanced future medicine.
MIT’s new algorithm for self-driving cars is open-source 
MIT scientists unveil the first open-source simulation engine capable of constructing realistic environments for autonomous vehicles.
Watch NASA’s flying space bots work alongside astronauts 
The three Astrobee robots aboard the ISS foreshadow a future in which autonomous bots are NASA astronauts’ partners in space.
MIT’s new ultrasound sticker lets you see inside your body
MIT researchers have created an ultrasound sticker that can continuously monitor a person’s organs and tissues for up to 48 hours.
NASA will send two more helicopters to Mars to bring home samples
Inspired by the overachieving Ingenuity, NASA has updated the Mars Sample Return mission to include two new Mars helicopters.
3 ways autonomous farming is driving a new era of agriculture 
Could autonomous tractors, drones, and seed-planters fill the growing labor shortage in the agricultural industry?
Nanoparticles may automatically clean your teeth one day
Shapeshifting nanoparticles may one day lead to automated oral care.
Artificial photosynthesis lets us grow plants in total darkness 
A new artificial photosynthesis technique could boost crop yields on existing farms or allow us to grow plants in new locations — like space.
“Muscle shirt” increases arm endurance by more than 200% 
The Myoshirt acts like “wearable muscles,” using sensors and AI to help people with upper-limb impairments move their arms.
$26K solar car now has a factory
Solar car startup Aptera has purchased a factory where its vehicles will be carried from station to station by autonomous robots.
Former landfills are becoming “brightfields” 
US cities are covering the capped sites of former landfills with solar panels, turning the “brownfields” into “brightfields.”
Cloud labs are the “ghost kitchens” of science
Cloud labs which run experiments with robots remotely may make science more efficient, replicable, and accessible.
Hyundai’s autonomous ship is the first to make a transoceanic journey 
Autonomous ships like the Prism Courage could make the seas safer, while also making shipping cleaner and more efficient.
Virginia launches world’s biggest 3D-printed housing project
Construction company Alquist 3D plans to build 200 3D-printed houses over the next 5 years through Project Virginia.
Humans have big plans for mining in space
What's holding us back from mining in space when we have such big plans already? The sheer cost, for one thing.
Walmart drone delivery now covers 4 million households
The Walmart drone delivery program is expanding from one state to six, bringing the service to as many as 4 million households.
Nanoparticles are the future of medicine
The success of some drugs that use nanoparticles, such as the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, has prompted excitement among researchers.
Nanobots are real, and they can battle bacteria 
Researchers have developed antibiotic nanobots that can traverse a wound on their own.
Can your mind ever “own” an extra body part? 
A robotic finger can feel like a part of our hand after just a short time using it, suggesting that our brains can "own" extra body parts.
Series| Heretics
Tim Urban’s case for transhumanism
We interviewed Tim Urban at Hereticon. Here’s what he had to say about Elon Musk & transhumanism.
Watch a drone swarm navigate a bamboo forest
By arming each drone with its own sensors, researchers have created the first swarm capable of navigating a wide environment.
Finland prepares world’s first “nuclear tomb” 
Deep beneath Finland, a “tomb” for nuclear waste is set to be a test for geological disposal facilities.
Watch John McEnroe take on past versions of himself on the court
Thanks to AI, digital avatars, and robotic cannons, John McEnroe is taking on his toughest opponent: himself.
Neuralink rival will soon test brain implant in US clinical trials 
It's the first time the FDA has approved clinical trials for a brain-computer interface.
Should we build high-speed public WiFi into street lights?
Better public WiFi networks could be created by broadcasting signals over the 60 GHz frequency band from transmitters attached to light poles.
Drones and driverless cars could help with Ukraine’s humanitarian crisis 
We need a universal code of conduct for deploying autonomous vehicles and drones in humanitarian settings.
AI can now understand animal behavior 
Animal behavior researchers can now turn the task of analyzing footage over to an open-source algorithm that can spot even subtle actions.
WeChat users try to keep Shanghai lockdown protest video ahead of censors 
WeChat users have turned to all manner of tricks in a cat-and-mouse game with CCP censors to keep a video about the Shanghai lockdown online.
An ancient enzyme could supercharge photosynthesis
Researchers have resurrected an ancient version of the enzyme Rubisco in the hope of supercharging photosynthesis in today’s plants.
Breakthrough artificial fingertip mimics our sense of touch 
A new artificial fingertip replicates humans' sense of touch by mimicking the microscopic anatomy of our fingertips.
Mind-reading technology – Are we ready for it? 
Startup founders want to read your brainwaves - but how will they protect your data from tech giants?
The age of the autonomous forklift is here
Facing a skilled labor crunch, companies are turning to autonomous forklift fleets for a safer, faster, more efficient work environment.
The subtle art of language: why artificial general intelligence might be impossible
Until robots understand jokes and sarcasm, artificial general intelligence will remain in the realm of science fiction.
Coal mining has changed. What’s next for miners?
In partnership with Lumina
Coal-mining families in Kentucky lost their jobs almost overnight. But they’re not giving up. Here’s how they built a new way of life.
Nimo smart glasses are like a PC for your eyes
India-based startup Nimo Planet is now accepting reservations for its Nino smart glasses, which let wearers view six virtual screens.
New UV light safely kills 98% of airborne pathogens indoors
Far-UVC light — a type of ultraviolet light that isn’t harmful to human health — killed 98% of airborne microbes indoors in a new study.
Giant cyborg cockroach could be the best search-and-rescue bot
The cyborg cockroaches are outfitted with sensors that can identify heat, carbon dioxide, and body movements.
This bird-like drone can perch on branches, catch objects 
Inspired by birds' perching abilities, researchers developed a drone with a bird-like structure that can land on a wide array of objects.
ESA plans to make the first oxygen on the moon 
ESA plans to send a device that pulls oxygen from lunar regolith to the moon by 2025 and then build an oxygen-producing plant in the 2030s.
MIT’s “Mini Cheetah” teaches itself to run 8.7 mph, breaking speed record
The four-legged robots learn how to move through experience — both in the real world and in simulations.
Computer scientists explain how to stop smart devices from spying on you 
"Smart" appliances tempt you with useless conveniences, but myriad privacy violations lie just beneath their shiny exterior.
Michio Kaku makes 3 predictions about the future
Dr. Michio Kaku on what is likely and what is possible provides a stimulating vision of the future.
Meet the woman who can smell diseases like cancer and Parkinson’s 
This woman can smell diseases — and she’s working with scientists to give you her superpower.
Series| Catalysts
The college where students roam the world to learn
In partnership with Stand Together
4 years, 7 cities, 0 tests. A college to prepare students for the real world.
Hugging a cushion that “breathes” can reduce anxiety
A study found that hugging a cushion that “breathes” was able to reduce anxiety for students prior to a test as much as guided meditation.
Curiosity discovers a “flower” rock on Mars 
Curiosity has discovered a Martian rock shaped like a flower, and it's helping NASA scientists unravel the history of water on Mars.
90% of drugs fail clinical trials – here’s one way researchers can select better drug candidates
It’s disappointing when the years of effort and resources spent to push a drug candidate to patients so often lead to failure.
How mRNA and DNA vaccines could treat autoimmune disorders, genetic diseases, and more
Using DNA or an mRNA vaccine, researchers are investigating the feasibility of essentially replacing missing genes that cause disease.
Innovative vertical farming companies to watch 
Here are five vertical farming companies to keep an eye on — and a bonus nine that are selling food you can buy right now.
Instant delivery for everyone on Earth
In partnership with Zipline
We live in an unprecedented time of AI and technology - so why do medical access inequalities still exist? One company is tackling that.
We should teach AIs to drive the same way we teach kids
To help self-driving AIs learn more like humans do, Canadian startup Waabi has created a digital world to act as driving school and Danger Room.
The case for techno-optimism: Is the world about to enter an era of mass flourishing?
Historically, periods of mass flourishing are underpinned by technological revolutions. Currently, we are undergoing a technological revolution unlike anything the world has ever seen.
Autonomous Black Hawk helicopter flies without a crew 
The U.S. Army has given a Black Hawk helicopter the ability to complete an autonomous flight without any humans on board.
NASA: Lockheed Martin will build the Mars Ascent Vehicle 
NASA’s Mars Ascent Vehicle, a first-of-its-kind rocket capable of launching from the surface of Mars, will be built by Lockheed Martin.
MIT engineers invent surgical “duct tape”
MIT’s biodegradable surgical tape is designed to seal tears in the gastrointestinal tract, potentially preventing sepsis-causing leaks.
Toyota is building a “Lunar Cruiser” for Japan 
Toyota's pressurized moon rover, the “Lunar Cruiser,” could help astronauts live on the moon — and help us combat climate change on Earth.
The world’s largest vertical farm is opening in Pennsylvania 
Upward Farms plans to build what will be the world’s largest vertical farm in Pennsylvania — and fish are going to fertilize its crops.
China builds “artificial moon” on Earth
China’s artificial moon, which uses magnets to mimic lunar gravity, could help with the creation of future moon colonies.
MIT is testing a levitating space rover
MIT engineers have designed a levitating space rover that could allow us to explore parts of the moon that are too rough for rolling rovers.
NASA tosses rockets to prepare for Mars sample return
NASA is developing a system for the Mars Sample Return mission that tosses a rocket into the air just prior to ignition on Mars.
Water on Mars found hidden in massive canyon
Scientists have discovered a huge store of hidden water on Mars, and it’s just below the surface of the Valles Marineris canyon system.
Needle-free COVID-19 vaccine is in human trials
A needle-free COVID-19 vaccine now in human trials could protect us against both this disease and future coronavirus outbreaks.
Experimental bionic eye is ready for human trials
An experimental bionic eye designed to help restore vision in people with retinal degeneration is ready for human trials.
New salt-grain sized micro camera takes images on par with a full size camera’s 
Researchers have created a salt-grain sized micro camera capable of taking images almost on par with a regular camera.
What’s so wrong about sexbots? 
These sexbots remember that you are 32 years old, and you like sushi, except on Thursdays — and they can teach us a lot about coexisting with AI.
AI artist Botto has made its first million
AI artist Botto, which hones its taste via a human community, has made a splash in the art market, going from NFTs to Miami.
How music can rewire the brain after an injury
MedRhythms, an experimental digital therapy combines sensors and music to help people with Parkinson's disease walk.
Russian satellite strike creates huge cloud of space debris
A Russian anti-satellite weapons test threatened the safety of ISS astronauts by adding more space debris to Earth’s orbit.
“Dancing” molecules repair spinal cord injuries in paralyzed mice
A treatment for spinal cord injuries was able to reverse paralysis in mice by “dancing” to connect with cells near the site of the injury.
Immersive technology will revolutionize our daily life
Extended reality technologies are quickly becoming better and cheaper, suggesting they may soon become part of daily life.
Powered exoskeletons may be the ultimate fitness machines
Enhanced Robotics is selling a powered exoskeleton to help people achieve their fitness goals, and it doesn’t cost thousands of dollars.
Free WiFi in apartment buildings helps close the digital divide
The EducationSuperHighway nonprofit plans to narrow the digital divide in America by deploying free WiFi networks in apartment buildings.
Solar energy is about to get a whole lot cheaper
Bottlenecks in the production of silicon thwart solar panel manufacturing. Some companies are turning to perovskite instead.
The metaverse is coming. Cathy Hackl explains why we should care.
We're about to enter the metaverse. This will completely change how we interact with our environment, says Futurist Cathy Hackl.
Resume-bot goes viral. Lands multiple job offers
A marketing professional decided to think creatively and create a resume-bot. It helped him land 14 interviews and 11 job offers.
Magic Leap is back with a new AR headset
Augmented reality startup Magic Leap plans to release a new AR headset in 2022 using a recently raised $500 million in funding.
Inside Europe’s largest vertical farm
At a massive vertical farm in Denmark, food tech startup Nordic Harvest is demonstrating the benefits of moving agriculture indoors.
Flying microchips the size of sand are tracking air data. Watch them fly.
Scientists have built the smallest artificial flying structures yet — gadgets that could one-day monitor air pollution and the spread of airborne diseases.
No more cords: one day an entire room may power up all your devices
Charging rooms may free us from the tangle of cords needed to power our electronic devices.
Mars colonies could be built from astronauts’ blood and urine
To minimize the cost of building Mars colonies, astronauts could make concrete using space dust and their own bodily fluids.
New bionic arm is incredibly close to the real thing
A new bionic arm is so intuitive, wearers think and behave like people without amputations while using it to perform everyday tasks.
Space radiation won’t stop missions to Mars
A new study predicts that space radiation alone wouldn’t make missions to Mars too risky for astronauts — as long as we timed them right.
VR spacewalk will let you see what ISS astronauts see
A VR spacewalk filmed by an “outer space camera” will be the centerpiece of the next episode of Space Explorers: The ISS Experience.
Crisis app for Afghans provides real-time updates on threats
Ehtesab, a crisis app for Afghans, uses crowdsourced data to provide real-time alerts to residents of Taliban-controlled Kabul.
Tiny magnetic beads and turkeys may lead to better prosthetic limbs
MIT and Brown researchers have developed a technique using implanted magnetic beads that they hope will lead to better control of prosthetic limbs.
MIT has created an inflatable prosthetic hand
MIT researchers have created a soft, inflatable prosthetic hand that provides advanced abilities at a fraction of the cost and weight.
Military vets lead “Digital Dunkirk” to evacuate Afghan allies
U.S. military vets are leading a “Digital Dunkirk” to help extract fellow citizens and Afghan allies from a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.
Airbnb offers free temporary housing for 20,000 Afghan refugees
Airbnb is providing 20,000 Afghan refugees with free temporary housing through its charitable nonprofit, Airbnb.org.
GoFundMe to help people leave Afghanistan raises $6 million
A GoFundMe campaign has raised millions of dollars to help people leave Afghanistan in the wake of a Taliban takeover.
Implantable “neurograins” may be the key to mind-controlled tech
A new kind of brain-computer interface uses tiny neural implants called “neurograins” to record brain activity in rats.
26-year-old builds $8,000 mind-controlled bionic arms
Bionic arms used to cost $80,000. Now, a young engineer has lowered the cost by over 90%.