The daily coronavirus news roundup – monday, march 30th

Solutions to the ventilator shortage, an app that shows what's in stock at local stores, and other fresh coronavirus news updates.

The coronavirus crisis is unique. Addressing it will require new ideas, new perspectives, and new voices. That’s our mission at Freethink.

In our daily “Coronavirus News Roundup,” we’re highlighting the most important stories from the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19. Stories that inform, challenge, and inspire.

Here are our must reads for today, March 30, 2020.

1. FDA Authorizes CPAP Machines and More as Emergency Ventilator Alternatives

The number of ventilators available at many hospitals is now far fewer than the number needed to treat coronavirus patients. To address the shortage, the FDA has authorized the “emergency use” of ventilator alternatives — Fierce Biotech explains what those might be.

2. Newest Shortage in New York: The City Is Running out of Dogs to Foster

With New York City on lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak, many residents have decided now’s the perfect time to adopt or foster a pet. Bloomberg reports that some shelters have seen such an increase in interest, they’re even running out of available animals.

3. U.S. Agencies to Collaborate on Wide-Scale 3D Printing of Ventilator Parts and Medical Supplies

The FDA’s emergency use authorization is just one way it’s attempting to address the shortage of available ventilators and medical supplies in the U.S. Another centers on the 3D-printing of needed parts, according to Fierce Biotech.

4. This D.C. App Will Tell You Which Stores Are Stocked With Toilet Paper, Vegetables, and Other Supplies

A new app is launching that will tell residents of Washington D.C. which stores currently carry the supplies they need, DCist reports — and it could stem the spread of the coronavirus by limiting the number of stores people visit.

5. Y Combinator Startups Turn Resources Toward Coronavirus

More than two dozen Y Combinator startups are pivoting their resources toward fighting the coronavirus outbreak. Freethink talked to a couple of them — and they need your help.

Cheap drug appears to cut long COVID risk by 41% in small study
The diabetes drug metformin cut COVID-19 patients’ risk of later developing long COVID by 41% in a small study.
Gain-of-function research is more than just tweaking risky viruses
Gain-of-function experiments in the lab can help researchers get ahead of viruses naturally gaining the ability to infect people in the wild.
The radical drop in maternal mortality was a public health miracle
In 1758 in Sweden, 1205 mothers died for every 100,000 live births, which was likely representative of the global maternal mortality rate.
New nasal spray aimed at reversing fentanyl overdoses is now approved
A new overdose-reversing spray that works fast but lasts longer has been approved by the FDA, and will be available by the fall at earliest.
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