Hard Tech

3D-printed “superalloy” could make power plants more efficient
The material is both stronger and lighter than those used to make conventional turbines.
This soft brain implant unfurls its arms under the skull
A soft brain implant that unfurls under the skull could make implantation surgeries less costly and risky.
MIT breakthrough creates world’s smallest holographic microscope
The world’s smallest holographic microscope foreshadows a future in which smartphones could be used for high-res microscopy.
Can humans figure out how deep learning AI thinks?
Ethical hacking challenge: Can you take over a military satellite?
Fighting child exploitation with big data
In partnership with Palantir
Underwater drone finds wreckage of the “unsinkable” USS Nevada
Society runs on GPS. What happens when it gets hacked?
Are social media giants censoring life saving drug research?
Bioengineered blood soaks up toxins inside the body
New VR system uses strings to provide haptic feedback
First autonomous air taxi terminal to open in 2020
Can a robot really freestyle?