Hard Tech

3D-printed “superalloy” could make power plants more efficient
The material is both stronger and lighter than those used to make conventional turbines.
This soft brain implant unfurls its arms under the skull
A soft brain implant that unfurls under the skull could make implantation surgeries less costly and risky.
MIT breakthrough creates world’s smallest holographic microscope
The world’s smallest holographic microscope foreshadows a future in which smartphones could be used for high-res microscopy.
Can AI negotiate? Walmart is betting on it
This high schooler created a drug discovery search engine
Can a 40-seat drone bus get off the ground?
China’s “artificial sun” sets a new record for nuclear fusion
This startup is bringing same-day shipping to everyone in the world
In partnership with Million Stories
The world’s deepest pool will host astronaut training in the UK
VR aromatherapy might be coming to a headset near you
Vertical EV battery may cut costs, improve range by 30%
"Hands-free" smart farm will replace laborers with robots
United will buy 15 supersonic jets