Hard Tech

3D-printed “superalloy” could make power plants more efficient
The material is both stronger and lighter than those used to make conventional turbines.
This soft brain implant unfurls its arms under the skull
A soft brain implant that unfurls under the skull could make implantation surgeries less costly and risky.
MIT breakthrough creates world’s smallest holographic microscope
The world’s smallest holographic microscope foreshadows a future in which smartphones could be used for high-res microscopy.
Germany unveils first-of-its-kind autonomous train
Are robotic kitchens the future of food?
Caltech’s walking robot can also fly and skateboard
Facebook robot winds fiber-optic cable around power lines 
Artificial photosynthesis turns CO2 into sustainable fuel
In partnership with Million Stories
New EV charging station quickly powers four vehicles at once
This drone footage from inside a hurricane is wild
Series| Catalysts
Beyond the classroom: Outschool gives kids the chance to follow their dreams
In partnership with Stand Together
Robot avatar safely trims trees around active power lines
These holograms are so real you can touch them