Hard Tech

3D-printed “superalloy” could make power plants more efficient
The material is both stronger and lighter than those used to make conventional turbines.
This soft brain implant unfurls its arms under the skull
A soft brain implant that unfurls under the skull could make implantation surgeries less costly and risky.
MIT breakthrough creates world’s smallest holographic microscope
The world’s smallest holographic microscope foreshadows a future in which smartphones could be used for high-res microscopy.
Startup breaks through “accent barrier” with real-time translator
Apple finally agrees you have a right to repair its tech 
Immersive technology will revolutionize our daily life
Powered exoskeletons may be the ultimate fitness machines
Wearable robot helps people with paralysis sing
Speech impairments aren’t a problem for Google’s new voice app
Fashion, art, and games: here’s what a decentralized metaverse could mean
Are mini reactors the future of clean energy?
A decentralized web 3.0 could lead to more innovation and privacy controls 
It’s hard to give AI common sense, but we’re making progress