Keeper of the missing

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Meaghan Good has made it her life’s mission to track missing people. She runs The Charley Project, an important database compiling information on thousands of missing persons cases in one place.

Growing up with autism, Meaghan was bullied at school and dropped out at an early age. She credits her autism with providing a singular focus, which in her case centered around true crime and unsolved cases of missing and exploited children.

From watching the news, you might think that police exhaustively search for missing people – but aside from a few sensational cases, that burden mostly falls on family and friends of the missing. Meaghan’s website, The Charley Project makes this burden a little easier. It serves a number of different purposes: providing internet detectives with resources to help find missing people, providing families with the knowledge that somebody cared and a place to check for updates, and commemorating the life of a person who mattered and doesn’t deserve to simply disappear. With Meaghan’s help, a few cold cases have been closed, and many families have appreciated her efforts and found some sense of closure.

Donate to The Charley Project here.

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