
New “tandem” solar cell breaks world record
A new tandem solar cell containing layers of silicon and perovskite has demonstrated an unprecedented efficiency of 33.7%.
These 4 charts show the unstoppable growth of solar
Solar is growing fast enough to displace fossil fuels from the entire global economy before 2050, but infrastructure needs to keep up.
Series| Hard Reset
How mirrors could power the planet… and prevent wars
How subterranean microbes are devouring carbon emissions
This machine will make seashells out of CO2
Bomb detectors record rare pygmy blue whales singing
Antidote saved 100% of bees from lethal pesticide
Startup plans to remove 1 billion tons of CO2 from the air
The Maldives are constructing a floating city to combat rising sea levels
“Sewer heat” could help fight climate change
Genes show which animals will adapt to climate change
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Do buildings have to be permanent?