
New “tandem” solar cell breaks world record
A new tandem solar cell containing layers of silicon and perovskite has demonstrated an unprecedented efficiency of 33.7%.
These 4 charts show the unstoppable growth of solar
Solar is growing fast enough to displace fossil fuels from the entire global economy before 2050, but infrastructure needs to keep up.
First solar canal project is a win for water, energy, air and climate in California 
Could electrocuting clouds be the key to making it rain?
MIT spinoff plans to drill 12 miles into Earth’s crust 
Clean offshore charging buoys can save city air 
New EV battery material promises to quintuple electric car range
Scientists propose mechanical trees to soak up CO2
Chile is making its own glaciers 
Green lights reduce bycatch in fishing nets by 63%
The world’s largest vertical farm is opening in Pennsylvania 
New biodegradable straws are made by bacteria