
Alternative funeral options are changing how we honor our dead
A small, yet growing number of people are starting to choose funeral options outside traditional burial or cremation.
Science fiction books that predicted the future with terrifying accuracy
Science fiction writers have anticipated a variety of modern inventions, from cars to organ transplants. Some books barely seem like fiction.
The most undervalued problem-solving tool? Lateral thinking.
Lateral thinking is a way of approaching problems. It deliberately forgoes obvious approaches in favor of oblique or unexpected ones.
Breaking the taboo of male infertility
Can friendship keep at-risk youth off the streets?
In partnership with Stand Together
How Old Skool Café helped this teenager overcome adversity after trauma
In partnership with Stand Together
Disrupting the fear of failure
Will Hunt finds humanity underground
Series| Catalysts
The mental health movement for Chicago’s inner city youth
In partnership with Stand Together
Wilderness experience helps army vet adjust to life after war
Wilderness therapy: A path to healing for Veterans
This artist heals wounds of violence with tattoos
Generalist vs. specialist: Which is the best path to success?