Who will save your parent’s life story?

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Memory Well is a new service where professional writers work with the elderly to tell their life stories online. It preserves their memories – and improves the care they receive in hospices and nursing homes.

It started on the difficult day when MemoryWell founder Jay Newton-Small put her father into a long-term care home. She realized that the staff wouldn’t know him like she did – so, as a journalist, she wrote up his life story in a way that would help them understand who he was. It helped them relate to him – and it helped him feel connected to those around him.

It’s a common problem. Many care homes have high staff turnover. Additionally, many elderly patients have difficulty communicating – so having to reintroduce themselves continuously to caregivers can be stressful. By providing a concise and compelling story, MemoryWell makes it easier for doctors or staff to understand the real person they are working with. It also serves as a great document to help the memory of their life be preserved after they are gone.

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