What to know for today’s SpaceX launch (updated)
A new electric face mask kills the coronavirus
"Moral Machine" picks up on human ethics
“Crew Dragon” launch to kick off new era in US spaceflight
Virtual reality meetings are the new Zoom
This ultrasound connects to an iPhone to help catch COVID-19
Is it safe to hang out with friends now?
“Off-switch” in mouse brains offers new hope for pain relief
Children and seniors to join Oxford’s coronavirus vaccine trial
The pandemic time capsule
Relaunching the NBA, repairing medical devices, and more COVID-19 updates
Bats are not the enemy
NASA app asks players to help map our oceans
Virus-repellent coating could help end the PPE shortage
This AI robot could become your favorite coworker
Can humans figure out how deep learning AI thinks?
A talk show in “Animal Crossing” is drawing big-name guests
Ethical hacking challenge: Can you take over a military satellite?
Human challenge trials, schools reopening, and more COVID-19 updates
Underwater drone finds wreckage of the “unsinkable” USS Nevada
Society runs on GPS. What happens when it gets hacked?
Genetically engineering the first hypoallergenic cat
Eating out during the coronavirus looks a little different now
A coronavirus-detecting face mask could arrive this summer
Space plane experiment could lead to 24/7 solar power
New exosuit helps stroke survivors walk farther and faster
New HIV vaccine gives monkeys longer-lasting protection
The dangerous job of the International Ice Patrol
Stem cell research breakthrough opens path to growing human organs in animals
A nonthermal plasma field can eliminate 99.9% of airborne viruses
Blood enzyme could explain severe impact of coronavirus in men
Why is an antigen test a big deal for COVID-19?
A nasal spray for coronavirus prevention is in development
Doctors test solution for COVID-19 phenomena, silent hypoxia
AI beats neurologists at making Alzheimer's diagnosis
Hunting zoonotic diseases before an outbreak
New evidence of memory consolidation while we sleep
The truth about coronavirus mutations and more COVID-19 updates
Ultraviolet cleaning robots kill coronavirus at US airport
Microbe in mosquito guts completely blocks malaria parasite
Bioengineered blood soaks up toxins inside the body
Cheap CRISPR-based coronavirus test delivers fast results
Scientists use CRISPR to reverse diabetes in mice
COVID’s unique challenge for the Navajo nation
Newly discovered coronavirus antibody blocks infection in cell cultures
John Legend, Tinashe, and Travis Scott give virtual concerts to connect with fans
CRISPR virus detection tool can test you for 169 viruses at once
CBD slows growth of brain cancer cells in a Petri dish
Will the coronavirus end in the summer?
Researchers are rushing to freeze… lab mice sperm?
A proposal to infect volunteers, the race to a vaccine, and more COVID-19 updates
Reading your digital signature to detect depression, Parkinson’s
New VR system uses strings to provide haptic feedback
Where can you get tested for the coronavirus?
Using Ebola to fight brain cancer
Every significant breakthrough that’s stemmed from the pandemic
Brain implant restores sense of touch in man with paralysis
Oxford coronavirus vaccine could be ready by September
First autonomous air taxi terminal to open in 2020
Twin study suggests genes factor into COVID-19 symptoms
An “old school” COVID-19 vaccine appears to work in monkeys
Tons of groups are improvising coronavirus PPE. But who will test it?
Inside Hong Kong's "resistance economy"
DNA might be able to explain varying coronavirus symptoms
Would you volunteer to be infected with COVID-19?
An LSD trip “off-switch” may be coming soon
At-home test kits, new vaccine developments, and more COVID-19 updates
We may need fewer ventilators for COVID-19 patients than we expected
FDA authorizes first at-home coronavirus test kit
Domestic abuse is surging under lockdown. can we stem the tide?
A new device is protecting healthcare workers from airborne coronavirus
Scientists find what looks like DNA in a dinosaur fossil
Ghana uses drones to speed up coronavirus testing
Microsoft’s “Plasma Bot” helps you donate plasma for COVID-19
Disease detectives: tracking invisible killers
Real-time data can save lives in a disaster
Chinese coronavirus vaccine advances to next trial phase
Treating depression at home with a tDCS headset
Modifying the measles vaccine could stop the coronavirus faster
Scientists find a way to quickly ID coronavirus mutations
The rise of simulated sports in the face of COVID-19
Contact-tracing tech advances, the new saliva test, and more COVID-19 updates
Lab plans to ship 20 million coronavirus antibody tests per month
FDA approves first saliva test for coronavirus
Could VR change how you trip on ketamine? 
Major League Baseball joins massive coronavirus antibody study
Major drugmakers team up on potential coronavirus vaccine
Doctors use AI to test new coronavirus treatments on patients
Across America, libraries are fighting the coronavirus
Why scientists are turning the coronavirus’ structure into music
Apple and Google join forces on coronavirus tracking project
It's safe to order takeout during the coronavirus pandemic. here's why.
Mobile decontamination units could extend supply of PPE
Learning from disaster: An interview with Bryan Walsh
Ford revs up production of coronavirus ventilators
Vaccine factories, a promising new treatment, and more COVID-19 updates
Converting shipping containers into ICUs for coronavirus patients
Antiviral pill shows promise as treatment for coronavirus
New coronavirus test could check one million people daily
Scientists analyze sewage to track coronavirus infections