GPT-4 is surprisingly good at explaining jokes
This easy fix could eliminate harmful chemical exhaust from home heaters
New AI can “reimagine” your pictures in infinite ways
How Stripe is using GPT-4 to fight fraud
A search engine researcher explains the promise and peril of letting AI search the web for you
How “InstructGPT” lobotomizes the insanity of raw GPT
First ever therapy for rare genetic disorder now approved
Microsoft unveils AI Copilot for its 365 apps
AI isn’t close to becoming sentient, we just think it is
General Motors is putting ChatGPT into its vehicles
Making electricity from wastewater
You can run this text-generating AI on your own devices, no giant servers needed
Pfizer’s nasal spray for migraines is heading to pharmacies
7 creative ways people are already using GPT-4
Google rolls out AI writing assistant to Gmail and Docs
Psychedelics open a new window on the mechanisms of perception
OpenAI just launched GPT-4 — and you may already be using it
First healthy mice with two dads — and no moms — born in Japan
Here’s how your sleep affects your immune system
New material traps CO2 — and turns it into baking soda
The ocean “twilight zone” could store vast amounts of carbon captured from the atmosphere
Canadian students discover EpiPens will turn toxic in space
A single injection of stem cells slashes risk of heart attack or stroke by 58%
Does online opioid treatment work?
New warning system will make airports safer
“Zombie virus” revived after 48,500 years in permafrost
Volunteers were purposefully infected with COVID-19. Was it worth it?
“Digital detoxes” don’t work. Try these 4 skills instead
Watch: Scientists breed flame-resistant cotton, without added chemicals
New drug could extend lives of people with deadly bone cancer
Scientists inject stem cells into the brain of Parkinson’s patient
Self-sufficient “microgrids” could save you from power grid emergencies
New kind of pill cut “bad” cholesterol up to 60% in clinical trial
LA’s on-demand vans charge just $1 per ride
Exercise is even more effective than counselling or medication for depression
Scientists treated heart attacks in mice — before they happened
Tesla switches to motors without rare earth elements
Space travel will radically change human psychology and spirituality
New transplant technique cures type 1 diabetes in monkeys
Starlink: SpaceX’s new internet service could be a gamechanger in Africa
New anti-dust tech could solve this major problem for NASA
Tirzepatide: A novel obesity drug ushers in a new era of weight loss — because this one works
Pest-resistant tomatoes finally available after 30-year wait
New 3D bioprinter could repair organs inside the human body
Batteries not included: How your own body could power wearables
AI is now DJing radio stations
This incredibly life-like robot hand can be made for just $2,800
Could 3D printing help solve the US housing crisis?
Cyborg fish grow electrodes in their brains and fins
How to pull carbon dioxide out of seawater
Lasers can help prevent surgical site infections in hospitals
Breakthrough study discovers that psychedelics breach our neurons
Oral bacteria trigger rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups
World’s largest 3D-printed affordable housing project launches in Kenya
First at-home test can tell you if it’s COVID or flu
ESA thinks we can grow hydroponic gardens on the moon
How Singapore’s “Garden City” vision fused nature and urban design like nowhere else
What is generative AI? An AI explains
Watch: Robotic window cleaners take to the sky
Goodyear announces 90% sustainable tire
“Nothing” doesn’t exist. Instead, there is “quantum foam”
Coastal cities created 40 Manhattans’ worth of new land since 2000
Psychedelics are helping dying patients overcome their existential distress
Computer scientist explains why even in the age of AI, computing isn’t limitless
Apple has a secret project to help people with diabetes
These 3D-printed batteries could be the future of clean energy
ChatGPT versus AI-enabled Bing. How do they differ?
Amazon TVs can now stream directly to cochlear implants
You can build a house out of this super-grass material
New MS treatment targets the gut microbiome
Small wonders: The antibodies from camels and sharks that could change medicine
New “biohybrid” machines weave electronics with living cells
Inhaling this powder shields lungs from infection
ChatGPT answers physics questions like a confused C student
New light therapy could make cancer treatment better and safer
Today, people fear Twitter. In the 1850s, they feared telegrams
In a first, scientists use AI to create brand new enzymes
A new look at the strange case of the first gene-edited babies
New AI improves itself through Darwinian-style evolution
First: Spinal cord stimulation helps stroke survivors control arms again
German scientists 3D print objects with “acoustic holograms”
NASA’s new balloon-borne telescope was designed with AI
New study discovers how to reverse hearing loss
Startup uses DALL-E to make food menus more appealing
These “microreactors” could be the future of nuclear power
China’s spy balloon: Inflatable eyes in the sky have been used for centuries
Gas-pumping robot lets you stay in your car when it’s cold out
This $1 pill cuts binge drinking
Zoox deploys first-of-their-kind robotaxis in California
ChatGPT in academia: Can it help with the research process?
Herpes virus helped kill a deadly form of breast cancer in a clinical trial
A single dose of an old drug could save 2 million mothers from sepsis every year
How diet influences the conflict between cell “cooperators” and “cheaters”
Startup plants first GMO trees designed for carbon removal
Will “The Singularity” rescue us from death?
Strange life forms create an “alien” ecosystem in an abandoned uranium mine
This tiny device lets you see your heart while exercising
Yoga: Modern research shows a variety of benefits to both body and mind from the ancient practice
Experiment regenerates a damaged kidney for the first time ever