Researchers have created a brain sensor swarm
Space manufacturing startup plans to build first off-world factory
Pfizer has manufactured the first batch of Delta variant vaccines
Facebook just made a huge upgrade to Oculus VR headsets
Researchers edit the sugarcane plant’s genome for the first time
The first U.S. electric tugboat will replace a tug that burns 30,000 gallons of diesel per year
Holograph tech “teleports” Olympic badminton competition
Goodbye bug spray, try this bite-free clothing instead
Helmet worn at home shrank man’s brain tumor by a third
Inside your nose, it’s bacteria vs. bacteria in the fight against meningitis
Water vapor found on Jupiter’s moon Ganymede
Light from behind supermassive black hole detected for first time
Adding one gene to rice and potatoes increased yields by 50%
Baby mice “dream” about the world before seeing it
New antibodies may lead to a norovirus vaccine
New treatment reverses age-related memory loss in mice
Bipedal robot completes 5K after learning to run
NASA interns designed a washing machine for astronauts
Uber may reduce drunk driving deaths by 6%
Harvard astrophysicist will lead hunt for alien technology
Toyota’s autonomous shuttle is optimized for Olympians
Harvard has a vaccine against septic shock
How scientists turn food scraps into strong building materials
DeepMind releases massive protein structure database
Olympic swimmers get speed boost from pool engineers
This 3D-printed graft may improve ruptured eardrum surgery
Will power plants move into the cloud?
Y Combinator launches a ‘Tinder for entrepreneurs’ to match startup co-founders
Baby exoplanet appears to be forming a moon
What does whole genome sequencing tell you?
New vaccines may use AI to hit a moving target
What pandemic nostalgia tells us about how memory works
New gene therapy helps the heart repair itself after a heart attack
New AI “engines” can read and understand on multiple levels
FDA approves first drug to treat lymphoma in dogs
NASA’s new balloon-borne telescope is ready for liftoff
Lab-grown foie gras eliminates force-feeding
CRISPR used to create first gene-edited opossums
Sculpting robots chisel art out of marble 
Amateur astronomer discovers new moon of Jupiter
“Mirrored” fabric may be de rigueur for a warming world
The world’s first lab-grown coral could help save the ocean reefs
Lucky accident shows how immune system can beat MRSA without antibiotics
Japan breaks world record for fastest internet speed
This eco-toilet pays for human waste in digital currency
This artificial heart uses magnets and spinning disks to reinvent the heart
Is the US military testing an anti-aging pill?
Historic Blue Origin flight included four people — but no pilot
The world’s first needle-free diabetes test
Why waterless beer is the future
Neuroprosthesis lets paralyzed man “speak” whole words again
A bison bridge could bring herds over the Mississippi
Hemp plants pull toxic “forever chemicals” from soil
Ancient human’s genome sequenced from DNA in cave dirt
Watching the moon’s “wobble” may help prevent flooding on Earth
Rarely seen glass octopus caught on film
CRISPR halts coronavirus transmission in human cells
Yale study: magic mushrooms may grow connections between brain cells
World’s first lab-grown chocolate made in Switzerland
When AC and cool showers aren't enough, this app finds the shady streets to walk
Goats are helping California battle wildfires
Printing embedded tech in artificial skin just got easier
Say cheese: Life on these exoplanets may be watching us
Cholera vaccine made from GM rice passes first human trial
Virgin flight shatters record for number of people in space at once
Chinese canon employees must pass an AI smile test to go to work
TV shows train AI to predict human behavior
Startup makes breast milk in a lab, which could replace formula
Oxford study: Move copper mining to dormant volcanoes
We’re one step closer to a malaria-free world
This wireless pacemaker dissolves into your body
Moderna launches human trial for mRNA flu vaccine
This bacteria can find a landmine
Oxford launches HIV vaccine trial
Natural killer cells fight cancer without collateral damage
Disease-resistant pigs may be heading to farms soon
Scientists call Alzheimer’s amyloid theory into question
Castration linked to younger DNA and biological age
Insect-sized robot can run like a cheetah
Should a herd of captive elephants be released into the wild?
Will we finally get another human Lyme disease vaccine?
Anyone can now make mouse-human chimeras
Can AI cameras predict suicide attempts at bridges?
Mouse embryos with beating hearts grown from stem cells
Sky-mapping system can predict whether cancer treatment will work
New CRISPR tech could help us create superior crops of the future
Toyota’s cleaning robot shows off its new skills
Hair-thin spine stimulator could relieve severe back pain
Kids build DIY microscope from LEGO & cheap phone parts
Honda startup equips shoes with vibrating navigation system
Virgin Galactic gets greenlight to fly space tourists
Pharma giant GSK embraces digital twins for vaccine development
Astronauts use CRISPR in space for first time
New evidence discovered of underground water on Mars
Black holes caught eating neutron stars for first time
“LEGO-like” vaccine protects mice from COVID, SARS, MERS, and variants
CRISPR therapy cures first genetic disorder inside the body
Returning old clothes to the earth can help cotton grow again
Diagnosing infections without the lab — or wait