Unique underwater sculptures thwart harmful illegal fishing
Rule-bending engineers protect New Orleans from Hurricane Ida
Furniture store gives Hurricane Ida victims a place to sleep
Soccer fans can enjoy a waste-free edible coffee cup
The world’s largest direct air capture plant just opened
Saving the ozone layer avoided 2.5 degrees of global warming
UK researchers are growing the Delta variant for human challenge trials
These farmers want to salt the earth — and grow crops in it
A blood test for your circadian clock
Bitcoin is now ‘legal tender’ in El Salvador
Robot penguins are exploring mysterious ocean currents
Scientists observed what Einstein predicted a century ago
NASA pays space startup $.10 for moon mining mission
Cambridge researchers have created a mathematical model for building muscle 
Don’t want to buy an e-bike? Subscribe to one.
Can we (legally) colonize space?
VR spacewalk will let you see what ISS astronauts see
Is it possible to flood-proof the subways?
One antibody stops all strains of COVID-19 from infecting cells 
AI is helping cars spot potholes 
3D printing gives lab-grown beef Wagyu marbling 
How to slay a hurricane
World-class surfers help kids with disabilities ride the waves
Drone ambulances race to help cardiac arrest victims (Updated)
The history of boredom might surprise you
Astronomers discover solar system’s fastest-orbiting asteroid
Crisis app for Afghans provides real-time updates on threats
Mini brains grown in the lab sprout primitive “eyes”
Your airline miles can help Afghans escape the Taliban
Antibody cocktail highly effective at preventing COVID-19
Twin Mars satellites have greenlight for launch
Tiny magnetic beads and turkeys may lead to better prosthetic limbs
Brain-wide gene editing may one day treat Alzheimer’s
Fighting for the right to repair McDonald’s ice cream machines
"Space farmer" grows plants under fake cosmic radiation
Major earthquake in Haiti tracked by citizen seismologists
Researchers have 3D-printed an active tumor
MIT has created an inflatable prosthetic hand
Military vets lead “Digital Dunkirk” to evacuate Afghan allies
The bold plan to bring back the American chestnut
Airbnb offers free temporary housing for 20,000 Afghan refugees
India’s DNA vaccine for COVID-19 gets emergency approval
Who to watch for at the Tokyo Paralympics
Scientists are vacuuming DNA from the air to study biodiversity
3D police lineups could reduce wrongful convictions
Pfizer’s shot is the first FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine
Nuclear fusion experiment puts ignition within our grasp (Updated)
How a brain implant can stop pain instantly (in rats)
Farmers in England begin massive DIY “rewilding” effort
NASA updates the odds on Bennu asteroid hitting Earth
Cultured meat for pets is about to hit store shelves
I took a creativity test, and this is what it told me
Moon glass helps solve a lunar mystery
A startup is stuffing teddy bears with recycled cigarette butts
Emergency sea otters needed to save California’s kelp forests
The U.S. Navy is building a solar plane
Scientists grew healthy mice from artificial eggs cells and ovaries
Facebook wants your next meeting to take place in its new VR app
AI avatars bring deepfakes to the business world
Ford replaces humans with robot test drivers
Scientists listen to marsquakes to map the inside of the planet
GoFundMe to help people leave Afghanistan raises $6 million
Chameleon robot can change color to match its surroundings
Astronomers catch “ghosts” dancing around radio galaxies
Wasps inspire a new surgical needle
Microbes inside concrete can warn us about rotting infrastructure 
Clues in woolly mammoth tusk reveal a lifetime of travels
Pandemic prompts surge in food sharing, app says
Tree DNA convicts a poacher for the first time in federal court
3D-printed nuclear reactor parts installed at US plant
The plea to save the Afghan girls robotics team from the Taliban
Implantable “neurograins” may be the key to mind-controlled tech
New organ coating could help prevent transplant rejection
Using body bags to treat heatstroke
Fecal transplants reverse aging in brains of old mice
Ancient frozen viruses hold clues to life and climate
New treatment may prevent heart damage from COVID-19
Hungry mice show why you should take study breaks
Already-approved ALS drug may help Alzheimer’s patients
Water from abandoned coal mines can make zero-carbon energy
Psyche asteroid might not be a planetary core after all
3D-printed bridge reduces use of "most destructive material on Earth"
NASA needs people to pretend they’re living on Mars
Robot café hires people with disabilities to operate robo-waiters
The 2021 Disney Accelerator sheds light on Disney’s metaverse ambitions
NASA wants future humans to find this time capsule in space
Graphene foam sucks uranium out of contaminated water
Kenya’s GM cassava plant gets greenlight
The world’s first sodium-ion battery for EVs has arrived
Pfizer’s RSV vaccine 100% effective in human challenge trial
Permanent hearing loss may be reversible
First neuron-level map of a monkey brain revealed
“Star shrapnel” from a supernova explosion is exiting the galaxy
Study shows how trees and shade can cool the urban heat island
“The Blob,” a strangely intelligent slime mold, is going to space
US Airman, missing in action, located by underwater drones
DeepMind’s virtual playground suggests path to general AI
This beach-cleaning robot is a Roomba for sand
Cyclists’ stress levels could improve road safety