New asteroid spotted just before impact with Earth
New Ebola antibodies neutralize the most dangerous strains of the virus
How AI is shaping the cybersecurity arms race 
Volunteers cold call Russians to tell them the truth about Ukraine
Newly discovered types of brain cells may hold the key to memory 
​A meat-free world by 2035? “Totally doable,” says ​Impossible Foods CEO 
Blasting mushrooms with UV light boosts vitamin D by 4,600%
Volkswagen reveals release date for electric Microbus
International army of hackers joins Ukraine’s cyberwar 
China’s COVID-19 cases surge, with low elderly vaccination rates
Safer painkillers: A novel drug treats pain without killing people
CRISPR cattle cleared for the first time by FDA 
Steering wheels now optional for driverless cars in US 
Anti-aging isn’t a scam, but immortality almost certainly is
Hugging a cushion that “breathes” can reduce anxiety
3D ocean farming: creating food while cleaning the ocean 
Drones and AI recover a meteorite for the first time 
Clues to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder hidden in the dark genome 
NASA opens untouched moon rock container from 50 years ago 
This company is tackling Kuwait’s ‘tire graveyard’ problem by tire recycling
Moderna will develop mRNA vaccines for Ebola, malaria, other major threats
Oculus exec bets $10,000 we'll have fully autonomous cars by 2030
Scientists discover how the AIDS virus breaks cellular “lockdown”
Psychosomatic illness: Are some diseases caused by our memories?
Baby thrives after first-of-its-kind heart transplant
4 things you need to know about the metaverse 
Win-win: we can make fertilizer by purifying wastewater 
Elon Musk: Europe should revive nuclear energy
Anonymous hacks Russian TV, plays Ukraine war footage 
How the antidepressant Prozac could treat blindness
Curiosity discovers a “flower” rock on Mars 
Ukrainian citizens are using personal drones to spy on Russian troops
Brains scans of the placebo effect show new way to treat depression
Digital sound archives can bring extinct birds (briefly) back to life
New antidepressant helps patients in just three days
Pregnant dolphins identified by drones for the first time
How a bedtime routine may affect your brain — and your sleep 
Spinal cord implants help paralyzed people walk again
An asteroid could wipe out an entire city – here’s NASA’s plan to prevent catastrophe 
MIT’s new plant-based material could replace plastics 
People are booking Airbnbs in Ukraine they’re never going to use 
First solar canal project is a win for water, energy, air and climate in California 
DAO raises millions of dollars in crypto to support Ukraine 
New tech cuts years off of DNA sequencing 
Could electrocuting clouds be the key to making it rain?
Nuclear fusion: how excited should we be?
NASA considers stingray-like drone to fly the skies of Venus
Self-driving cars could transform the world in unexpected ways 
Sonic waves could help bones grow back after cancer 
Starlink lands in Ukraine
The hacker group Anonymous has waged a cyber war against Russia 
Hubble gets first good look at the dark side of a “hot Jupiter” 
90% of drugs fail clinical trials – here’s one way researchers can select better drug candidates
What the Russian invasion means for clinical trials in Ukraine
Airbnb offering free temporary housing to refugees of Russo-Ukrainian war
Researchers convert donor lungs to universal blood type 
First AI controls plasma inside fusion reactor 
How mRNA and DNA vaccines could treat autoimmune disorders, genetic diseases, and more
How close are we to curing blindness?
Innovative vertical farming companies to watch 
Despite its disastrous effects, COVID-19 offers some gifts to medicine
GM asks to deploy self-driving car with no steering wheel 
Russia’s cyberattacks foreshadow the future of war
Open source intelligence exposes war as never before
Are urban villages the solution to sprawl? 
Diamond-like starfish skeleton unlike any discovered in nature
A rogue rocket is on course to crash into the Moon. It won’t be the first. 
Texas A&M grads use flare gas to mine $4M in Bitcoin 
Moderna is developing a herpes vaccine
Record-breaking supernova manages to “X-ray” the entire Universe
MIT spinoff plans to drill 12 miles into Earth’s crust 
Opioid overdose: A bioethicist explains why restricting supply may not be the right solution
Insulin pump can be controlled with an app
Take a look at the deepest known squid, just found
Where AI and organisms differ and what it means for AGI
We can now use CRISPR to fight tick-borne diseases
Horseshoe crabs are drained for their blue blood. That practice will soon be over.
Huge cargo drones could soon move goods across the globe 
We should teach AIs to drive the same way we teach kids
Golden blood: The rarest blood type in the world
Scientists use ultrasound to control brain cells in animals
MIT invents $4 solar desalination device
New exoplanet discovered orbiting Proxima Centauri
“Fly ash” contains rare earth elements needed for electronics
Scientists propose sending tiny lifeforms to neighboring solar systems 
DNA used to make the world’s tiniest “radio” 
Mutation protecting against Alzheimer’s edited into human cells
Robot kid successfully conveys six emotions on its face 
First gene therapy for Tay-Sachs disease successfully given to two children
Solving the last mile problem with robotic delivery vehicles
New antibody treatment against Omicron gets emergency approval
Why calorie restriction may be the key to a healthier life 
First woman cured of HIV through stem cell transplant
Inhaled vaccine for coronavirus moves to human trials
The case for techno-optimism: Is the world about to enter an era of mass flourishing?
Robot fish are powered by lab-grown human heart cells 
Autonomous Black Hawk helicopter flies without a crew 
New synthetic tooth enamel is stronger than the natural kind
Fusion reactor breaks 24-year-old nuclear record